Hi! This page is so I can teach you how to code. This page and all the other pages in the folder should never be linked to anywhere on our website.
Go ahead and check out my website.
Press ctrl+u on your keyboard once you're there. See the code?
Now, I'm going to create an area for you to edit code:
hello everybody I like donuts!
In this area, type <p>, some text, and </p>. Save it and view it! See what it did? The tag "p" means paragraph.
Now type <ul> or <ol>. The tag ul makes an unordered list, and the ol tag makes an ordered list. Now, make a new line and type <li> then type some text. Finally type </li>. Now you've created a list! Now do the same thing, but with the other tag (ul or ol)!
Now type <a href="">. In between the quotation marks, paste (or type) your favorite website address! Now you've created a link! Now, after the quotation marks type target="new"